Oh Nooooo It's Friday


Read Me Because You Can

We will use this webpage to get some exposure and hands on for animation, tables, and forms. As for animation, moving objects can be useful to grab the audience's attention in a websites, especially when used effectively.

Next, we will create a simple table. Tables are covered and Chapter 12, and although it would be nice to learn more, I feel the this quick hands on exercise will be enough demystify it.

Finally, we'll create a quick little HTML form. Generally, a form is used for the user to submit information. In this course, however, we only cover the front end part of it and will not have any info processing.

A Table Will Go Here

Type of fear % Rating as #1
Public Speaking 27%
Going to the Dentist 21%
Height 20%
Mice 12%
Flying 09%
Other/no Fear 11%
SOURCE: Fears from April aurvey of 1,000 people in the Dental health Advisor magazine. By Stanley F. Malamed

Form Goes Below